Last I knew, the battery cut-off switch needed to be accessible from the outside, for the reasons Ashton explained (workers approaching your car who may need to shut things down). I believe this is true for road racing as well as drag racing (if you've relocated the battery, or depending on class, etc) which is why
@Blair your switch is pointing outward through the non-existant window. That is allowed since it is accessible from the outside. As for it being required on the
back of the vehicle, that is not something I've heard of, but I might be out of date on the drag racing stuff. Yes, 99% of the time is is on the back for drag racers since their batteries are mostly moved to the back, and it makes things simpler, but I don't think there are rules against putting it on a side fender up front or where ever you want to put it.
(If I were making the rules I'd dictate where they go so workers don't have to search around for it, but I'm not confident that is actually in the rule.)
Obviously the local track's rules trump all... So it would be nice to hear from
@redneck tuner guy specifically if the road racers with no windows and cut-off switches by the side mirror will be allowed. Also, is it a requirement only if the battery has been moved from the stock location? I don't know where Blair and Hank's batteries are but some folks might still have them in stock location?