I'm guessing I've spent 2-3 hours per day looking at photos and videos in this Section. On Monday night, Tuesday morning really, I was up at 2:30 am in the Convention Section. After a 12-hour drive, with another 12-hour drive starting in the morning. WTF was I thinking.....I was so excited by the Convention Experience and photos I did not even look at the clock.
The forum itself is more fun to visit and interact with when you have face-to-face met the OP of the given Members Ride thread. When you have seen "that specific car" up close and personal. Put your hands on it (I helped push-start a car, LOL), talked to the owner, maybe driven it (Joes Panda), or taken photos of it. Watched it blaze around (or down) a track.
I could have stayed home and easily bought a VE (with all supporting mods including tuning, LOL) with the money I spent. However, attending a Convention is priceless.
Required reading: Meeners Passion Thread. All the photo/video threads.
If you did not make the Ohio Convention, you owe it to yourself to attend the next one.
Where ever the hell it is, that is where to be.
Shawn B
The forum itself is more fun to visit and interact with when you have face-to-face met the OP of the given Members Ride thread. When you have seen "that specific car" up close and personal. Put your hands on it (I helped push-start a car, LOL), talked to the owner, maybe driven it (Joes Panda), or taken photos of it. Watched it blaze around (or down) a track.
I could have stayed home and easily bought a VE (with all supporting mods including tuning, LOL) with the money I spent. However, attending a Convention is priceless.
Required reading: Meeners Passion Thread. All the photo/video threads.
If you did not make the Ohio Convention, you owe it to yourself to attend the next one.
Where ever the hell it is, that is where to be.
Shawn B
Last edited by Shawn B
on 2012-06-08
at 15-18-25.