Just a bit, I had a few exciting moments like the one in the first vid until i got the hang of where the track was slippery.

First video, 0:15. That spot caught me off guard one session (and it looked like it caught tons of people if the grass on track was any indication). It made no sense why the back got loose there, every time. After a couple laps of that I stopped trying to test the limit on that entire carrousel the rest of the day. =/
I was able to attack it a bit more after following Blair for a few laps. He was taking a "diamond" line so that he could carry more speed through 7, then brake in a straight line over the slippery part, and bring the car back in tight for turn 9 and the exit to the backstraight.

I wish I had one hooked up. I guess I might be shopping for one soon. =]
I need to get a new camera myself, something that records to an SD card would make it a thousand times easier to import and edit video clips.