Originally Posted by
Looks like i really do need to look out... and watch ehere i take my girlfriend.
.. wake up at 2:30 in the morning to a fellow car "friend" texting winks and shit... not gonna name names but damn, guys are shitty... i guess a little to welcoming of a community after all... never understood why guys couldn't respect the fact that a girl isn't single... sheesh
I thought it was a good idea until we got home and i woke up to one the members texting her... be careful who you take her around... apparently you can't trust anybody
You guys have never seen me in person when activated. I hope you never do for your sakes. It is not pleasant, faaaaar removed from any civilized behavior, and often provides rather overwhelming shock and awe to the witnesses.
If I knew who this was
during the Convention, they would have indeed been confronted on-the-spot. Anybody fucking with my fellow enthusiasts, and certainly
any of the ladies (or kids) brought to one of our gatherings would find out real, real quick that there is a vast light-years of difference between the normal Shawn B and Mr. Hyde.
Whomever it was, understand that at the next Convention, and I will be there, that if I know your name, you will be face to face with a non-civilized, completely untamed human. One who has proven his mettle on well over a thousand occasions during hand to hand, life or death, weapons-optional
combat. Underestimate me and my all-to-real alter-ego at your peril.
Sam and Emmily, I am NOT the least bit happy with this news.
Gloria asked me at one point what would happen to somebody threatening
any member of our Convention. The answer was, everybody that attends is automatically under my ultra-crazy-protective-wing. I would interject myself into the situation so fast and violently that no-one would know what was happening until it was over. The aggressors - plural, would be stomped, man-handled, grievously injured, and typically put to sleep. I
love choking people till they go limp. I would have to literally be unconscious or dead before anybody could harm a member of my family. Kimme, Kristen, Emmie, Katy? Those lovely young ladies are
my little sisters.
All I can say to the absolutely out-of-line
shit-head motherfucker acting inappropriately with Emmie, and disrespecting Sam, is that YOU better watch your motherfucking step. You should be outright Permanently Banned from this forum by our Staff.
In fact, YOU are unwelcome next year and in any following years. This was your LAST Convention, ever.
Game fucking over Buttercup. You are no longer welcome at our Conventions, period. Tell you what Casanova,
you fucking try me. I'm just an old, out-of-shape, man. Give it a whirl hot-shot, show your miserable face. Sam or Emmie drops your name to me, and you are DONE you worthless, back-stabbing, piece of shit.
Fuck you.
Shawn B