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Thats not a bad idea. I remember Hank posting a comment about it being in the same location to make things eaiser. Its all a matter of making a few calls, etc. Still waiting to see what others bring to the table for 2013.
I met a guy at a vintage race @ Summit Point about 10 years ago or so. He had some really cool vintage vettes he was running. And when I say cool. I mean really cool. Anyway, the cars caught my eye, so I struck up a conversation with him. I had no idea who the heck he was. I got to talking with him about cars and such and he mentioned to me he was involved in car swap events and meets in Central PA. He told me they've been having these events for many years and it's grown into something special, especially for the vette guys. He told me enthuists/vendors plan all year for the event and have been going for years. He actually used the term "reunion" and "family" in describing it. I told him that was cool and I'd have to check it out sometime. As it turns out, the man's name was Chip Miller, founding father of Carlisle Events. They host one of largest, if not the largest Corvette events in the world, Corvettes at Carlisle. Chip was inducted in the Corvette Hall of Fame in 2005. Like I said, I had no idea who I was taking to.
Why do I bring this up? I think we can learn a little from old Chip, rest his soul. I think part of the success of Chip's events is the fact they were kept it in the same location year after year. It takes a lot of the guess work out of the planning of things. And with that, fine tuning of the event can be done and previous mistakes can be avoided. It also makes things familar for the attendees with regard to travelling/hotel stay/places to go etc.
I think our Convention is at a crossroads of sorts. Things have changed in the last few years and we need to change with that...which we've done, to a degree. With that said, I'm on the fence as to what to do. I agree with the thought that I'd like to see different tracks and towns each year. But, by the same token, if we have it in places that make it hard for the core group to attend or price out the less fortunate, we're shooting ourselves in the foot. I think at the moment we have momentum and enthusiasm for the event. There was also the same thing after the Savannah event or so I'm told (sorry I missed it).
I'm keeping an open mind as to other options with regard to locations. But it's really hard to think 2013 shouldn't be in OH or GA. If for nothing else, the tracks seem to fit us well and the local members are hardcore.
2 cents.