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Thread: So where is next year?

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2012-06-07 16:08:11
Originally Posted by nsusammyeb
wherever the hell it is, I'll be sure to bring a LOT more apple pie. Maybe I'll actually get to drink some next year!

Apple Pie? That would go good with cookies. I'm gonna make it a point to whip up a batch before the next Convention. I happen to be a pretty good cook, getting folks baked...ahem...I mean, getting folks my baked-goods.
2012-06-07 16:09:06
That would go extremely well with cookies!
2012-06-07 16:23:45
Maybe Mazworx can put something together in Orlando for next year. There's a few tracks in that area. We have PBIR down here in South florida and it has both a drag strip and a road coarse. I'll try to make the next one wherever it is.
2012-06-07 17:21:34

You have to make one. It was so much damn fun. As for Florida that may be tough due to cost.
2012-06-12 04:28:09
Originally Posted by Dave_SR20
Atco NJ
No cheap road courses near Atco :-(
2012-06-12 04:40:09
Originally Posted by wes
QFT! Spoken like Bruce Wayne!
I just spit Coke all over my monitor!
2012-06-12 05:07:54
Originally Posted by kevwal
Maybe Mazworx can put something together in Orlando for next year. There's a few tracks in that area. We have PBIR down here in South florida and it has both a drag strip and a road coarse. I'll try to make the next one wherever it is.

Kev, Im rollin with you!!!!!
2012-06-12 18:26:30
Originally Posted by Fatboyse-r
I just spit Coke all over my monitor!

Glad I could help! Did you ship my kids shit, they are all over me about it...

2012-06-12 19:08:17
I believe the next convention should be somewhere in the middle of the U.S.
2012-06-12 19:10:10
Originally Posted by JaimeSR
I believe the next convention should be somewhere in the middle of the U.S.

Dallas was very successful, but there are not as many active members in that region any more.... unless we could revive them. I could help, but I am still about 7 hours from there..... "fairly" easy drive being so central.
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