Gloria, Kimme, and I offered to help the organizers with badges like we made in Savannah '09. Can't show my hand yet, but Rob gave 2 thumbs up to the design.
I need a first and last name as well as your screen name for everyone who will absofuckinglutely be there. No excuses, no bullshit, please don't waste our time. I promise if I make you a badge and you don't show, you become personal bitch to the BANHAMMER!!! We want to get as many of these done as possible before we leave so we can enjoy ourselves Thursday night. Any badges not done prior to us leaving Thursday morning may get done Thursday night, but will moar likely not get done before Friday evening after track day.
example of what I need asap:
Joe Schintzius / happynole
Rob Ocasio / SE-Rican
Chris Scarpulla / Chriscar
Mark Schoenholz / FatboySE-R
btw if you spell your screen name wrong you do not get a second badge. But you do win the calumslut award for proofreading.
I need a first and last name as well as your screen name for everyone who will absofuckinglutely be there. No excuses, no bullshit, please don't waste our time. I promise if I make you a badge and you don't show, you become personal bitch to the BANHAMMER!!! We want to get as many of these done as possible before we leave so we can enjoy ourselves Thursday night. Any badges not done prior to us leaving Thursday morning may get done Thursday night, but will moar likely not get done before Friday evening after track day.
example of what I need asap:
Joe Schintzius / happynole
Rob Ocasio / SE-Rican
Chris Scarpulla / Chriscar
Mark Schoenholz / FatboySE-R
btw if you spell your screen name wrong you do not get a second badge. But you do win the calumslut award for proofreading.
Last edited by Chriscar
on 2012-05-28
at 21-02-57.