Originally Posted by
Shawn Maybe I'll just have naked CF installed by me....? Although that is a bit flashy for my conservative aesthetic tastes.
Bringing my bolted-on DE to whip some ass at the drag strip. 
do it bro, you just may fall in love with the raw cf look

. imma agree with jamie on this one, the de is the most reliable out the bunch !

Originally Posted by
Truth! Hammerin Hank threw it down last year for the DEs.
he sure did !
same car from last years convention ? it was all motor then, its turbo now ?
is your car gonna be done bro ?
i have a few things to finish up. jamie got the hard part out of the way. i have to install new pads and rotors and flush out the system. install a st rear sway bar. possibly add a new radiator and possibly throw in a new clutch (those last two things are time and money dependent but not neccessary).