lol i wasnt meaning any disrespect to this years convention. haha. It still looked like a complete success and yes you guys did work very hard to make it what it was and I wished I could have been there. So I still solute you guys that put in that effort.
I was just saying this years is already off to a way better start. Nothing negative against anyone on here. There were lots of circumstances that were not forseen.
So I have the plan all down and looks like its a 100% go. Im going to trailer my car over there, drop my daughter off in missouri at my parents house and then go to the convention, then after since my wifes bday is on the 6th we are gonna head to florida to go on a cruise for an extended vacation.
Anyone in florida mind if i leave my tow vehicle and car and trailer at their place? If so hit me up.
Cant wait, its gonna be a great time.