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It's funny you say that... Funny how 6 people think I'm the one leading when the entire time I WAS THE LAST CAR IN THE BACK!! how do you follow someone if they are not in front of you? Like really? It took me 2 seconds to find out we where going the wrong way and You guys just keep driving. Who does that? If I was leading we wouldn't have wasted 3 hours of our life driving and y'all had gps and everyone on the car had smart phones.. Come on now be a big boy and admit that y'all got lost and nobody was smart enough to realize it... And I do believe once I got in front we got there in NO TIME...
Haha, no one said you were leading, I did say that it would be unwise to follow you
2 seconds? Kept driving? You mean we ha already realized and were guiding us back to the correct path when you called to tell us?
And by "NO TIME", do you mean you getting lost in the city while we drove the rest of the way?
You know I was just trying to get you all huffy! With some success I might add
Anyway, the issue stemmed from the many reports of dead stopped traffic on the nj turnpike, which persuaded us to avoid it at all cost. This was compounded by the numerous iterations of interstate 95 that pepper the region. Who thought THAT was a good idea?