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Thread: Departure Thread!

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2011-08-04 03:11:58
Departure Thread!
I'm leaving Cincinnati Due East here in about an hour!!! Post here to check on your friends (shameless plug)... Don't get raped!!!!
2011-08-04 09:35:05
Rolling out of Stockbridge in the next 15 minutes, packing up the laptop now
2011-08-04 10:25:35
I believe I'm passing thru WV into PN. Now... on hr 6... about 2hrs from MD!... suns outand its beautiful out here... didn't get raped, but ironically stopped to take a nap in front of a dumpster of a 24 adult video store... ewwwww..... should be at Cliff's around 930 ish...
2011-08-04 11:44:46
LMAO! Drive safe.
2011-08-04 12:17:38
I'm in maryland! Sneaky Pennsylvania highway cops almost got me... those sneaky bastards! Black b13 ftw!
2011-08-05 00:16:22
Leaving chicago now
2011-08-05 00:32:26
Round #1.

I left Shreveport on Tuesday morning at 4 am.

I arrived back in Shreveport Thursday at 7 pm.

Too sick and exhausted to continue. I definitely lost that motherfucking round.

Round #2 coming up next.

I leave Shreveport via airlines on Saturday at 11 am.

I'm not sure if I'm stubborn, stupid, or both. But I will see you worthless bastards on Saturday, in CT, at the motherfucking Convention hotel at about 6:30 pm.

2011-08-05 00:43:22
Originally Posted by Shawn
Round #1.

I left Shreveport on Tuesday morning at 4 am.

I arrived back in Shreveport Thursday at 7 pm.

Too sick and exhausted to continue. I definitely lost that motherfucking round.

Round #2 coming up next.

I leave Shreveport via airlines on Saturday at 11 am.

I'm not sure if I'm stubborn, stupid, or both. But I will see you worthless bastards on Saturday, in CT, at the motherfucking Convention hotel at about 6:30 pm.


Dont be afraid to tell us how you really feel,Shawn
See you soon,I am also flying in to Hartford tomorrow....what time are you getting in? I arrive around 3:08,so maybe we will cross paths at the airport.???
I will be getting a car at dollar rent a car...hell we can have our own little caravan of rentals to the hotel in meriden
2011-08-05 12:39:26
Leaving NY in 10 min with one less sr20 then I was hoping, the VQ will have to do... see you guys in a few hours!
2011-08-05 14:15:24
Eggman and Shawn B you are going to waste so much money with rental cars, I would be happy to pick you both up at the airport.

My cell is 860-830-5832 if you want me to, I even have a nice van to shuttle you around in
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