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Thread: T-Shirts for 2011 Nat'l Convention

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2011-07-29 03:32:40
T-Shirts for 2011 Nat'l Convention
Shirts can be bought here:
2011 SR20 National Convention T-Shirt > L.LaPrad Cargo : L.LaPrad Cargo: Custom Shirts and Whatnot in the preview:

For more detail not shown in the Cafepress preview:

(Special thanks to eggman on sr20-forum for use of the photo)

They are the Value Ts in white. They're actually a really good quality.

I have not marked them up at all. They are $9.99.

When you order, verify their shipping times if you want it before the convention.
Last edited by llaprad1 on 2011-07-29 at 14-05-06.
2011-07-29 03:56:52
Any promo codes? Shipping is killing me!
2011-07-29 04:06:07
Wow man that picture is my old VE NX engine bay.I can tell by the little scratch on the VC.
Same pic on the front of the 2010 calendar.
I have to buy a couple now.
2011-07-29 04:26:59
Ordered one so I can have it before the convention, thank you!
2011-07-29 12:34:25
Ordered mine, sucked it up on shipping to be sure and have it for the convention. I take responsibility for the late timing on these but there have been conventions before where we didn't get shirts till we got home so don't give me any excuses.

BTW, great job on the design and thanks for letting these go at cost Louis!
2011-07-29 13:33:15
Shit I can't access the site from work, WTMF!!!
2011-07-29 14:01:47
Originally Posted by happynole
Ordered mine, sucked it up on shipping to be sure and have it for the convention. I take responsibility for the late timing on these but there have been conventions before where we didn't get shirts till we got home so don't give me any excuses.

BTW, great job on the design and thanks for letting these go at cost Louis!

Naw Joe, everything was relatively last minute due to the nature of this year's timing, and I sat on them for quite a while due to a new part time teaching gig eating up all of my free time...

Nevertheless they're here..and available (somewhat) before the convention.

Sucks that shipping is so high, but at least with the margins Cafepress allows, the shirt itself can be as cheap as it is.
2011-07-29 14:03:53
Originally Posted by eggman
Wow man that picture is my old VE NX engine bay.I can tell by the little scratch on the VC.
Same pic on the front of the 2010 calendar.
I have to buy a couple now.


Thanks (belatedly) for letting me use your pic. Honestly, I thought it was one of my own until you posted up. I had totally forgotten.

I'll make sure and post credit to you on Cafepress and in these posts..
2011-07-29 14:05:11
Just ordered mine!
2011-07-29 14:58:30
Someone else that orders one from the MD area order me two XXL shirts with the expedited shipping. I'll pay you and cover half the shipping.
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