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My wife and I are on vacation in NYC during that time and want to attend the meet/picnic. What are peoples suggestions on getting there, rent a car for the day or take a train/taxi? I've read, it's about 2 hrs away. This will be our first time in the area so we no nothing of the area and we've never been on a train or subway before. Whenever we've gone on vacations, we usually rent a car, but decided not to for this trip to NYC. TIA
You can take the Metra North at Grand Central Station (42nd st) to CT. Not excatly sure what stop to get off at. I know its a few stops past the Waterbury stop in CT. Then you can grab a taxi to the hotel or a rental car place so your able to get around. May be cheaper to rent the car in CT then NYC. Unless you find someone to grab a ride with to any of the events which I don't see there being a problem
What part of MN are you from? I travel there quite often.
I am a native new yorker and did the whole tourist thing in nyc 3 weeks ago so if have any questions let me know.