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Thread: Rental cars thread

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2011-04-02 03:00:53
Originally Posted by wnwright
If I fly in I will rent a van and if you get beat by the Van you get banned from the forum for life.

If you rent a van, you'll be banned from the forum for life...

Originally Posted by kieranlavin
In 2003 one of the corner workers had a work van. At the end of the day, they let the corner workers have 15 minutes on the track. We all watched in amazement at how incredibly fast this guy was pushing the van around the track. When we went to compliment the guy on his mad skillz, we saw that he was an amsoil distributor and the entire van was full of fluid!!! We were all dissapointed in our own ability.

There's this guy I know how was able to catch and pass a Porsche GT2 in his FX45. I saw it with my own two eyes

That's just damn amazing. I'd LOVE to get either event on video.
2011-04-02 03:03:46
Originally Posted by Cliff
That's just damn amazing. I'd LOVE to get either event on video.

I would too! An SE-R person might have the van on video but I kind of doubt it. There were several witnesses though.

As for the FX, I can introduce you to the driver as well as a few witnesses to that one
2011-04-02 03:07:55
Nice! Can I use the driver as my instructor?
2011-04-02 03:11:29
If you want... he has a few screws loose though
2011-04-02 03:16:23
2011-04-02 03:16:36
I think we all have a few screws loose...
2011-04-02 13:29:00
Originally Posted by kieranlavin
you should rent the crappiest most unassuming car... and then drive it fast and impress everyone with your maD sKilLz yO!

MartinG34. The Savanah Convention.

Chrysler PT Cruiser. Martin was my instructor and got me going around the track in the correct direction. Later in the day, he took me out in his renta-Cruiser. Proof that a good driver can make anything fast. We were 3-wheelin' and squeelin' tires as he drove the piss out of that shoe-box on wheels.

And...this never gets old.


Originally Posted by Cliff
I think we all have a few screws loose...

Loose? I've got some just flat-out missing, never installed at the factory. A few more fell out in childhood.
Last edited by Shawn B on 2011-04-02 at 13-34-02.
2011-04-02 14:09:24
Say 'Bye to Neon
2011-04-02 14:38:50
Originally Posted by Willbob
Say 'Bye to Neon

Havent seen that in years!
2011-04-03 20:05:41
Originally Posted by Willbob
Say 'Bye to Neon

I laughed so hard at that article. That's hilarious!
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