Early-Bird Track Purchase Program
Happy New Year!
Details here: http://www.nissan-infiniti.us/registration/Early-Bird.pdf
Most of you know me at least in name. Some of you have actually met and know me. I am co-organizing the 2011 Nissan-Infiniti National Convention. This convention has evolved from the SE-R world to try to include all Nissans and Infinitis (and Datsun as well). You can take a look at the link below for all of the information (we will be updating the site periodically as we get more information).
Website: 2011 Nissan-Infiniti National Convention : Registration
The reason I’m writing though is to let you know of an early-bird track registration program. We are accepting registrations for this early-bird program through the end of January. The details are at the link up at the very top.
There are a few reasons for this early-bird program:
- Plain and simple, we need money in the coffers. We need to put deposits down on things, we need to pay for supplies, we need to be able to pay for online registration/paypal fees
- See the attached document for details but there is a potential discount to early-bird registrants. In short, if we hit our target, we will be refunding a portion of your registration. We’re hoping that this will help us market the event. It gives you, the registrant, a vested interest in promoting the event and getting more people registered!
- We’re looking to generate interest early on. The convention is “only” 8 months away but that time will fly by quickly. We want people to get interested and we want to maintain that interest
For anyone worried about not knowing me and sending me money, I want to assure you that I have nothing to hide. My username is my name; Kieran Lavin. I don’t want people posting it publicly (if you feel I have wronged you, please contact me... if I absolutely positively don't respond to any form of communication (which will NOT happen) then I would have no problem with my information being posted publicly... but, like I said, that will NOT happen) but, if you did a simple search, I’m sure you could find my home address, phone number, employer, whatever. I’m not going anywhere.
Details here: http://www.nissan-infiniti.us/registration/Early-Bird.pdf
Most of you know me at least in name. Some of you have actually met and know me. I am co-organizing the 2011 Nissan-Infiniti National Convention. This convention has evolved from the SE-R world to try to include all Nissans and Infinitis (and Datsun as well). You can take a look at the link below for all of the information (we will be updating the site periodically as we get more information).
Website: 2011 Nissan-Infiniti National Convention : Registration
The reason I’m writing though is to let you know of an early-bird track registration program. We are accepting registrations for this early-bird program through the end of January. The details are at the link up at the very top.
There are a few reasons for this early-bird program:
- Plain and simple, we need money in the coffers. We need to put deposits down on things, we need to pay for supplies, we need to be able to pay for online registration/paypal fees
- See the attached document for details but there is a potential discount to early-bird registrants. In short, if we hit our target, we will be refunding a portion of your registration. We’re hoping that this will help us market the event. It gives you, the registrant, a vested interest in promoting the event and getting more people registered!
- We’re looking to generate interest early on. The convention is “only” 8 months away but that time will fly by quickly. We want people to get interested and we want to maintain that interest
For anyone worried about not knowing me and sending me money, I want to assure you that I have nothing to hide. My username is my name; Kieran Lavin. I don’t want people posting it publicly (if you feel I have wronged you, please contact me... if I absolutely positively don't respond to any form of communication (which will NOT happen) then I would have no problem with my information being posted publicly... but, like I said, that will NOT happen) but, if you did a simple search, I’m sure you could find my home address, phone number, employer, whatever. I’m not going anywhere.