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Thread: The OFFICIAL 2011 Nissan/Infiniti/Datsun National Convention

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2011-05-29 22:08:59
hence, no one showing...
2011-05-29 22:17:25
Originally Posted by nsusammyeb
Track days are fun and all but it'd be nice to just find a huge parking lot where everybody can take a walk and check out other cars.

I can tell you... I won't drive 10mins to go look at cars parked. Hell I won't even waste time to look at pictures on computer of it.

You have to center a convention around something interesting.... Then add the regular stuff like car show, etc for added entertainment.
2011-05-29 22:29:50
Statistically speaking you've seen a decline in the track day attendees of each convention since 06.. Other than 09 when it was at a very low cost. This will not be the end of the conventions because of the decisions that these planners have made. They gave a valiant effort with little success so I understand why they bowed out because of risks on there end(could be $$ that was fronted out of there pockets or a perception of attendees that they had in mind that didn't fill the spots because every year half of the attendants are last minute due to car issues, work related scheduling, etc etc..

75% of the members on the east coast are drag racers.. Idk if that statistic was ever looked at from a marketing perspective?? 30-40% of the attendees(I am giving the benefit of the doubt) participate on the roadcourse. Once Friday is over most people stay but I have noticed about a quarter to half the people leave and don't participate on the weekend. My point being is times have changed and it didn't look like we had adapted that well.

Sorry it didn't work out for you and ray.. But please let's not let this die out. We are going to have a weekend that will be filled with great people and good times. Details to come very shortly! If your thinking of cancelling your plans please reconsider and give us till Friday or less to have information for you to look at!!! Thanks again and we hope to see you at this years Sr convention!
2011-05-29 22:44:31
I vote happynole in charge of all future conventions.
2011-05-29 22:50:17
Happynole, myself and MarkSR20 are working on some things.

None of us are going anywhere in this community, I'm sure everyone knows MarkSR20 and Happynole and myself.

If you don't know me, I started driving at 18 and since then have only owned Sentras.

I will reply when I got home as typing from my Blackberry isn't the easiest.
2011-05-30 00:08:14
Jimmi, hit me up if you guys need anything, my vaca is already set so I will be doing something SR related...
2011-05-30 00:29:17
Originally Posted by Cliff
Now with THAT being said, how many that have already registered still plan on attending the track day, Saturday? I only ask because I didn't register for everything to run with a bunch of people I don't even know. If no one even wants to show Saturday, it'll show that future conventions are as good as dead...

Kimme and I were thinking about running Saturday with NASA, but their day runs $250 for 4 20 minute sessions. NJMP isn't on the list of places I absolutely want to run someday. Virginia International Raceway is on my list. I had already been thinking of running an event at VIR with Trackdaze in November, now I'm pretty sure we will take our refund and move it over to VIR. 2 days for $380, 4 30 minute sessions each day. Day 1 on the full course and Day 2 on the Grand Course (the same course Car and Driver uses for the annual Lightning Lap). Looks like a lot of fun.


We are of course in for whatever is going down in CT on the weekend the convention was originally planned.
2011-05-30 00:44:04
I've always wanted to run VIR. After seeing it featured on Top Gear its a place I thought would be sweet to hit up.
Last edited by LOUROK on 2011-05-30 at 18-07-48.
2011-05-30 13:07:23
Originally Posted by Cliff
Now with THAT being said, how many that have already registered still plan on attending the track day, Saturday?

If others in the group decide to go, I'll be there.

Disappointed, but not shocked. Nissans just don't generate the enthusiasm they used to... - GA
2011-05-30 16:10:46
Originally Posted by Greg
Disappointed, but not shocked. Nissans just don't generate the enthusiasm they used to... - GA

Same feelings here. I think the lineage link has been lost. The owners of new SE-R don't really want anything to do with B13, 14 and 15 owners. Spec V's? Forget it.
Aside from the enthusiasm I think the sales volume isn't/wasn't there for the past few years. I haven't seen a new SE-R on the road for months!
Our cars are also getting old and in economic times like these not many of us are willing to dump major $$$ into a Sentra. I am one of them right now. My SE-R is just sitting on Jack stands - no time, not enough money. My SE-R is a rarity as it's in pristine condition, all I need is an engine but time and money are going to towards other things. $1,000 on a new engine or put that towards a new floor for my living room? Unfortunately the latter wins that one. My wife just found out she doesn't have a job after next month... I'm not making excuses it's just reality. $4.00 gas also doesn't get the blood pumping to make an 850 mile trip to NJ from SC.

I was just thinking back to about 10 years ago when I went to my 1st convention in DC. What a great time that was but I don't think it will be like that ever again.
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