Originally Posted by
wnwright Are we going to have to have NASA HPDE legal car setups? As in are they going to enforce the rules? There are alot of rules about rollbars, mounting of seats, etc. I know there are probably a few street car guys that wouldn't pass inspection by NASA standards.
Yes, the tech will be by NASA. If there are any specific questions, I can get answers for you guys. With regard to rollbars, seats, harnesses, rollbar padding, that is all safety stuff and nothing will be overlooked. Safety is king. If you pay for the event, show up with crappy equipment, and don't pass tech, we're not going to be so likely to return the money.
Everyone is responsible for making sure that their car will pass tech. Stuff like loose batteries is even MORE stupid. This will all be on the tech form so everyone will have a chance to fix their equipment.
Originally Posted by
hammerinMake sure everyone understands the passing rules, passing areas and what side to pass someone one on in a particular area.
We will certainly go over this stuff. However, it SOUNDS like you're elluding to a one-side-fits-all with regard to passing. I'm a firm believer that different turns require passing on different sides. For example, at Omaha, there were a few of us that were actually black flagged because coming out onto the main street we all agreed that it would be best to track out all the way to the left and let the passing car get back offline to the right to pass... but the track officials had their own rules and it was passing on the left only. We all thought it was stupid but their track, their rules.
So... in my opinion as long as we are clear on the passing zones and the car being passed is CRYSTAL CLEAR on which way they want the overtaking car to go, we should be good. For beginners which is the only place this should REALLY come into play, there will be an instructor in the car to help both cars decide which side is best. If a more advanced driver is having trouble, perhaps they are in the wrong run group?
Also, pit out on Lightning comes out on a blind/fast turn. Make sure the Pit Marshal is sobered up by roll off time... I once had a 911 cut right over from pit out while I was airborn through turn 1....interesting evasives after touching back down....the cabbages were not happy....:o
That pit out is GREAT in comparisson to say Monticello. There it is COMPLETELY blind. One thing to point out is that the people being let out on track in front of you PROBABLY blew the blend line? That is something NASA pays attention to and something I'll be paying attention to. There is NO need to swing way out to the left coming out of the pits there to "set yourself up" for the next turn. Come out, stay far right and watch your mirrors IN CASE there is a car coming that the pit-out marshall missed. However, NASA Northeast's pit-out guy is very good and I don't anticipate problems so long as people obey the blend line. I usually don't let my students back "on line" until tracking out after that first turn. There's really no need... we're not shooting for 1/10th of seconds and, if you are, chances are you're in the wrong place... we're there to have fun.
And Stefan