That's what my wife calls me and it stuck. I am grumpy half the time so she's right
I thought there was only one hotel near the track? Maybe I read it wrong.
There are zero MAJOR hotels near the track. There's the Holiday Inn which I forgot about but, other than that, there are no preferred Embassy Suites or Marriot or the like
Anyway,I like your sarcasm,and I get your point.
Thanks... mostly it's lost on people :P
Isnt this a Nissan/Infinity National meet? ...and there are only 10 people registered so far?? Or are you talking 10 people registered for the track day? 10 sr20 owners.what?
SUPPOSED to be a national meet. Oh, and it's Infinit
I need to update the counts this weekend but I believe there are only about 20-25 or so people registered for the track event and maybe another 5-10 registered for the convention in general (but not doing the track event) My point was moreso that there are a LOT of people filling in the "feedback" form on the website stating that they are interested in attending the carshow or the convention in general and none are actually registering. Lots of talk... very little action. I understand people wanting to wait and all but it's a luxury *I* cannot afford especially being on the hook personally for a large sum of money for the track reservation.
Surely there will be some Z cars,g35s and datsuns showing up
I had hoped but registration and interest on those fronts has been VERY weak especially considering the numbers they have as compared to our (diminishing) SE-R crowd
I am poor compared to alot of you and I'll be damned if I an gonna travel 16 hours,take a week off work to go see 10 cars race around the track.
Understood. Trust me, most of us here are poor in some way, shape, or form. We all like to complain about our own individual situation but we're all poor and that's why we own an SE-R. I don't know of anyone around that has the SE-R on the side while owning an F430 or a GTR or something of the like
I am trying like hell to sell what I can and make plans,but with no hotel info its hard to do.
Hopefully Cliff can get something for that Holiday Inn. If not, the Country Inn is definitely decent. They just wouldn't give me a discount based on the numbers I'm seeing right now. I can't tell them that we'll need 40 rooms when we don't even have 40 people registered
And I'm assuming 75% or so of the attendees would double up on rooms