I was present at the Vegas convention. Although I didn't track, I was there to support and catch rides with my fellow cali guys. Only a handful of us went including Cesar, Dave (prodrifter), Robert (96servspec), Jose (nxspaniard), Uly (sr20uly), I think Martin (martin_g34) and Mike K from what I remember. That was only a few of us. There are plenty more out here in LA.
The point is, you can't rule out So-cal out of any future conventions. There is a stronger prescence out here now with b-series cars.
Anyways, I'll attend 2011 for sure now. Just need a set date atleast 6 months in advance. Holla!
PS: There is no excuse for not making it. I drove my a$$ from LA to Omaha for the 2010 convention. But I'll be flying out for the east coast convention.