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Thread: Open Letter to the Community

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2010-03-08 04:48:17
Open Letter to the Community
Hello Friends

A lot of you know me. To those who don't I am the guy that organized the SR2009 convention in Savannah.

I can not begin to tell you how many people told me I was either foolish or stupid (or BOTH) to try and run a convention without any money up front. Somehow we managed to pull it off. Actually we had an ace in the hole - Sponsorships! We allowed companies to host parts of the weekend, saving us money and allowing us to run a fun track for less than $100 each. And everyone that ran got as much time as they could handle.

The one thing I've heard from everyone since leaving Savannah behind was how much fun we had as a group of enthusiasts. And that it would be great if we could host our own event every year.

Torry took on this year's convention with a big boost from NICO. Calum is taking a much needed break, and times are economically tough for most of our forum sponsors. As far as I can tell, NICO is footing the bill and currently looking for additional sponsors.

I'm not seeing a lot of talk and the convention is only 90 days away. I am not getting paid to advertise, but think of it like this - if You sign up for track time and not many others do, You will be able to drive on the track until You are too tired to drive. Ask Steve

I really hope this wasn't a one year revival for the SR nation.
2010-03-09 03:38:33
Is anybody else coming? Any thoughts at all?
2010-03-09 03:48:18
I saw this a couple hours ago and then posted in the main convention thread if anyone else had gotten a room and registered. I've wondered the same thing. I have not seen much posted lately on folks going or not going. And nearly nothing has been mentioned on the other forum. I have a room reserved and plan to register in the next couple of weeks. Hope to have the car out and ready in a month. Also I looked at the registration list and it was a short one.
2010-03-09 04:18:14
Kimme and I are currently the only FWD SR's registered. COME ON GUYS!!!!!!!
2010-03-09 07:07:59
I'll be registering next week, Joe. I think 3 others will also. I feel where you're coming from. I kind of feel as if the nico thing is kind of like a corporate takeover same as the sr20forum.com take over. But still, let's go out there and have some fun. Maybe our small community can stick together.
2010-03-09 09:17:13
WHen is the next one?
2010-03-09 14:42:13
I have a room booked but haven't registered yet. I might not have an SR car to bring so I may end up just hanging out and snapping some photos. =/
2010-03-09 17:02:31
I have not registered, but I have booked a room. I know there is at least 4 of us coming from Madison, and I think there are a few more that are planning on it. I will be registering shortly here. I am pumped and think this should be a great convention, even though it is not SR specific it will still be Nissan for the most part and should be pretty cool. I think the track location is perfect and it suits all with the drifting, road course, rally and the drag strip all at one location. Hopefully we can have a big turn out! I know we have been talking about it a bit on the Mid-West nissans site.
2010-03-09 17:08:27
I can't go this year. The distance is too great and the timing is not right. I'm still hoping to attend future conventions.
2010-03-09 17:48:38
I almost have my car running ...as soon as it is I will evaluate if I can afford to go or not ...
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