B14 intermittent starting issues
So recently my B14 decided it wants to start whenever it wants to. When I turn the key everything gets power and all accessories are on and fuel pump primes strong. Headlights work as well, I replaced the starter thinking it was bad and it started every time for like2 days.then this morning it decided to not start. The clutch relay under the hood clicks when I turn the key evrytime. I replaced the antitheft #1relay(the black one in the relay box under the hood) and it started every turn of the key for part of the day and then suddenly didn't want to crank anymore. The 7.5amp starter fuse in the fuse panel on the driver side is good also. The starter doesn't click on the solenoid either. I am hoping somebody will shed some light on this. The only thing I can think of is something wrong in the wiring from the clutch relay to the starter solenoid. Thank you in advance .