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Thread: you guys are going to kill me for this

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2014-07-06 04:45:49
you guys are going to kill me for this
5 years ago ago l bought a 97 se-r. The kid l bought it from swapped a jdm sr20de with roller rocker cams but used the usdm intake. The exhaust manifold is from the jdm motor and the egr tube is not there. Now comes the part of pissing people off. For about 3 months I've been searching for this answer across here g20 net and other forums. Just recently the egr 0400 code popped up and i cannot figure it out. He had a screw blocking off one tube that fell out and that caused the code but replacing it didn't fix. He said he did the Delete correctly but reading all those post have done nothing but confuse me even more. Could a cracked or leaking line still throw a code with it deleted i know this is vague right now but I'll update tomorrow on my exact set up and i really would appreciate any feedback.i have md emmisions coming up and l need my codes gone and light off. To pass
2014-07-06 17:20:34
Alright here is what i got. The right side of the canister goes to the tank, then the bottom left goes strait to the intake manifold.and the one on top of that has the screw in it. From what l can tell from all the post i read l should have way more than that. Anyone have a clue what my buddy did here because he don't remember. I just want the code gone the car runs alright. Any feed back is greatly appreciated
2014-07-06 17:35:41
So you're getting an EGR code? I deleted mine and the canister,so I may not be any help with the hoses.Although all I did is make sure you have no vacuum leaks on the intake,and at the egr plug,jump the 2 wires with a 100k ohm resistor.Really no benefit from deleting the canister,other than it was in my way.
2014-07-06 18:03:13
Yea I'm getting a p0400 if im correct it ran for 7 years without tripping a code and of course right before my Emission test it pops up. I found a cracked hose the one comming from the intake manifold i fixed it pulled the battery cable and we will see if it comes back on
2014-07-06 18:04:13
Md. Sometimes does a visual so i can't completely delete it
2014-07-06 20:11:43
Nope still on
2014-07-08 22:56:02
Did you clear the ECU by turning the screw on the back? I don't think just disconnecting the battery will do it,but I may be wrong.I'd check the egr resistor too,just to be sure.After 7 years it could've broken,fried,got tired......
2014-07-09 13:03:52
I don't think he used a resister. I replaced a few lines with no success. I did check my codes today and got 32 for egr valve and 77 for my rear oxygen sensor circuit. I have the bottem hose (very bottom) is Tee'd off, one to a sensor in the wheel well, and one the very far left(from looking at the fuel lines). Then the highest up is just plugged with a gutter screw(represented as red in the link below for the b14 model its the more simple diagram the 6th picture down. . Now the one directly below that goes strait to the intake manifold (yellow) (btw where can l find the one way check valve to add here). The only other line on the carbin canister also goes to the fuel tank. Now on the egr delete ( http://www.sr20-forum.com/general-maintenance/24765-egr-delete-information.html ) credit to canx2k.the small tube i have blocked off(red), the small hose coming from the intake tube(blue) and the other small tube (green)are all supposed to go into the solenoid control canisters. Instead where the blue and green hoses come out the motor is just ran together. Now that being said the car never had a check engine light before this. What sensors are there and where only one l see is in my wheel well?
2014-07-15 03:11:41
No one can help there is nothing on this kind of set up.i will figure out the resistor mod when it comes time but i would rather have it legit with one way valves and maybe a couple 2/3 connectors. Or know what needs to be added to make this work correctly.i have jdm rr engine with usdm intake manifold with jdm exhaust manifold so no egr tube there
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