That link should have all the basics you need to know about specs on a ga16de engine. I'm no expert with these engines, just trying to share some of the basics from what I know. Something else that may help too is put the engine in neutral with the valve cover off and the spark plugs pulled. Have someone turn the motor with a breaker bar and socket on the crank pulley. Turn the engine slowly and stand above the motor to see if you can hear or see anything causing the noise form the cylinder head area. Sometimes this is more helpful to have a moving visual than to just stare at parts trying to figure out what you are supposed to be looking for.
No need to crank on the motor hard when you are turning it, just turn it slow, and watch/hear for anything out of line. I don't recommend turning the motor too many times either, when you do these cold turns, the oil pump isn't properly building pressure to lubricate critical areas of the motor. Its ok to do this a few times, just don't overdo it.