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Thread: Engine Noise

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2013-05-29 08:40:44
Engine Noise
I've already had my timing chain(lower upper), sprockets, upper,lower guides changed but I still got this (slapping,rattling,ticking) noise going on my engine.
Btw, I'm using 10w40 as my oil... i was thinking if i changed my oil to 15w40 or 20w50 would the noise lessen?

forward to 55secs.
2013-05-30 15:11:17
Help? Any advice would be greatly
2013-05-30 16:19:43
A bad chain/tensioner/guides will usually slap around as load is gradually taken off the engine. Notice any improvements when the engine warms up? Sounds like you could have some warn out lifters.
2013-05-31 01:07:54
Is this a major or minor problem? Thicker oil wouldn't help right?
2013-05-31 02:03:27
Older engines are prone to get noisy because tolerances between components deteriorate over time. Thicker oil can help lessen noise, and possibly could add an added measure of protection for parts that see a lot of friction and are out of spec. I would say try some thicker oil and see how the car reacts, nothing thicker than 10w40. Also pull the valve cover and inspect cam lobes and rockers for any excessive scoring or wear. May help to give you some insight into what is really going on in the head.

Last I would also grab a compression tester, always gives you a good general idea of the health of that engine.

I would not consider this a major problem but would continue to monitor. If noise gets worse, you'll want to tear that head down.
2013-05-31 02:08:12
I mean I listened to the video you posted a couple times, the sound quality is kind of crappy, so I'm just going off what you have here. Hope this helps.
2013-05-31 02:25:18

valve lifters are item #11 am i right?

thanks for the inputs ferrari! appreciate it!

i may try cleaning the oil pan and flush it before using a thicker oil.
Last edited by mikontelism on 2013-05-31 at 04-24-11.
2013-05-31 14:59:47
Visit: http://www.nicoclub.com/FSM/Sentra/1993_Sentra/1.6l%204%20cyl.pdf

That link should have all the basics you need to know about specs on a ga16de engine. I'm no expert with these engines, just trying to share some of the basics from what I know. Something else that may help too is put the engine in neutral with the valve cover off and the spark plugs pulled. Have someone turn the motor with a breaker bar and socket on the crank pulley. Turn the engine slowly and stand above the motor to see if you can hear or see anything causing the noise form the cylinder head area. Sometimes this is more helpful to have a moving visual than to just stare at parts trying to figure out what you are supposed to be looking for.

No need to crank on the motor hard when you are turning it, just turn it slow, and watch/hear for anything out of line. I don't recommend turning the motor too many times either, when you do these cold turns, the oil pump isn't properly building pressure to lubricate critical areas of the motor. Its ok to do this a few times, just don't overdo it.
Last edited by ferrari21 on 2013-05-31 at 15-15-11. Reason: Note to turn the engine slowly.
2013-05-31 15:43:58
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