Electrical gremlins- ran fine- died and now click....
Ive got a 1996 200sx ser (sr20de & M/T) that i purchased a few months ago. I pulled the engine and transmission out to do some preventative maintenance and a much needed cleaning. The engine and trans are back in now and yesterday i started the car for the first time. It cranked right up and ran fine for about... 5 seconds then died. Now when i turn the key i can hear the ignition relay close and the starter solenoid energize (CLICK!) but she doesnt want to crank (turn the motor over) i am getting 12.6v across the battery terminals, getting 12.4v across the posts on the starter terminals, and because i dont have a second set of hands to hold the key on i jumpered the signal wire and used a screwdriver across the starter and she turned over. Ive never had to have the clutch depressed to start the car and the issue is there regardless of whether i press or dont press the clutch in. Ive been checking out the relays, fuses, cleaning the ground connections, etc. I tried using my code scanner to pull a code but nothing came up. Its confusing that it would start then die then not crank... i have not tried swapping out the battery bc the voltage is good and the car started off of that battery. Bloody electrical gremlins...