Yes they were. And i cut mine because these things dont go with the window line. The whole point of these thigns is to go with the window to look good. And it was swag, not nismo that had it. I got mine for free because i tested it for the guy, I KNOW ITS NOT RIGHT. Put it on a hondatech, itll sell fast there since it fits a civic. And fitting means going with the lines of the window, not just across like this one does. It looks awful because its NOT MEANT for our cars.
Bump for LEGIT reasons. Sorry i watch out for my b14 buds, not going to let them not know about the same shit i got from speedzone. Lucky i got mine for free because i test fit for the guy.
Bump for LEGIT reasons. Sorry i watch out for my b14 buds, not going to let them not know about the same shit i got from speedzone. Lucky i got mine for free because i test fit for the guy.