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Thread: how rare are the colors on 200sx.

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2011-09-09 20:43:43
how rare are the colors on 200sx.
i've been looking over and over on the internet trying to find exactly how many 200sx were built during their time. wiki shows this, 1996= 7,205
1997= 3,200
1998= 3,504.
( what about 1995?)

But my real question that I want answered is of this amount of cars which ones were painted with which color. I would like to know just because it would be a cool fact. Plus I think I have two of the rarest colors. (can you guess?)

Edit: Stupid signature gave one of them away. the other is not detailed in my signature.
Last edited by bj200sx on 2011-09-09 at 21-15-17.
2011-09-09 20:47:17
In my area
Sunburst- only seen 1
White- only seen 2
Puprle or whatever its called ive seen 3
Blue- only seen 4
Black- seen quite a few
Red- seen a dozen
And teal, dont get me started on teal ive seen so many. Most common color EVER!
2011-09-09 21:54:51
Personally i own a Royal Blue Pearl b14 (looks purple, and turns blue when the sun hits it) i think its the rarest color.
White- Seen 10+
Black- Seen too many
red- less than 10
Sunburst- none
teal- less than 10
blue- about 5
2011-09-09 22:01:55
Its probally going to be way different in different areas. Up here autum and white are the rarest. Always wanted a white one. Theirs a stock one running around with a 25ish year old woman driving. She always gives me this look when im in my 200sx lol.
2011-09-10 02:51:42
What about the silver/goldish color.. I have one..

Today I saw a clean sunburst 200SX on Craigslist today!! Not too many of those here.
2011-09-10 03:34:30
Always forget the silver, see alot of se, and a few se-rs.
2011-09-11 02:10:47
i got the silver and people always ask if it was a 200sx se or painted
2011-09-11 03:14:48
The silver goldish is not that rare I owned 2 of them already. I say that forest green,smurf blue,autumn orange.
2011-09-11 03:37:31
forest green....
never seen a forest green b14 se-r. ever!
on a plain b14 sentra, yes, lots.
2011-09-11 03:38:43
I believe it comes in 98 b14.
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