Originally Posted by QUiKSR20 The only B14's that had that diff bumper are 98-99 200sx's and only 1 year for the Sentra's 99.
On Sentra's 95-98 is the same bumper and IMHO the better looking bumper. 99 got all bubbley.
Originally Posted by TheRealNighthog Hate all you want. I don't have to do anything. I'd be just fine with having the last skz items for myself .
Alright.. 1: the 98 sentra bumper is different from the 95-97..and 2: nighthog..if you are remaking the skz stuff..you would still have the last ones..you would just be making copies of the skz stuff..
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98 Sentra GLE-R - daily -- 2.0/5spd 06 Maxima SE - money pit -- 3.5/6spd
I will one day have a mold of my lip on my bubble bumper made to reproduce. It won't be too soon but it will happen. unless someone that I can trust wants to borrow mine to make some copies.