WOW, you just saved me all that typing thanks.
As covert said that is what it is, NOTHING ELSE.
You need to understand were your going with this.
93 for better Gas Mileage or better for your motor?
BTW, gas from a mom and pops store or from Ammaco BP, Exxon.. you getting the SAME SH!T. BELIEVE ME!!
My brother in law that drive a BP Gas truck delivers to BP, Exxon and all the mom and pop gas stations on the SAME TANKER.
Besides, its a frickn' sentra.. you do WAY WORSE things to that car racing it boosting Modding then anything you could EVER in your life put into that gas tank from a pumping station.
P.S. Stop advancing your timing. It's no longer considered a Mod. Pay top dollar gas price for a 1hp gain?????? LMFAO.