You can spend several hundred dollars making the fixtures, etc. and take them to the alignment shop. Plan about a half day on their rack. Or, just show up and plan for a full day on their rack. The trick is in knowing how much to overbend the beam so it springs back to just the right spot. I worked with Steve to do 6 or 7 in a day and he hit most of them right on the first try. As a beginner, you will need to bend a little, measure, bend a little more, measure, etc. If you go too far, it is nearly impossible to go back. as I recall, the rear wheels need to be towed out 3-4 inches in order to spring back to zero. Also, it depends on the starting point. Most cars were towed in 1/4", but some were less. And, then there is the runout of the wheels to consider. I was surprised at how much run out was present in some aftermarket wheels. if you can do all of this for less than $500, I would be surprised.