stillen is offering their b14 lip for ~$136 with free shipping. and i thought they were out of production. "gettum while they're hot"
(i'm NOT afilliated with Stillen in ANY way)
I got mine for that price ... I thought they were discontinued till I went to the site ... For less then 280 u can get a stillen lip and lucino grill .. Well worth it I think
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'94 Suzuki Swift GT A.K.A The Little Engine That Can - 40 MPG Never Felt So Good
'96 200 SX SE-R VZR N1 Version 1 - Neo AFC, Calum Basic, 9lbs flywheel, stillen cam gears, ssac header, 3" exhaust, Innovate wide band, Tein Flex, G spec pulleys & Apex N1
Them -Is that a 2.0. ME - Naw its a 1.6 Them -
PS3 Tag :Miami4ThatAss/BURN1SLOW
Ill Always Be A Miami Boy!!!
God Bless SEAL TEAM 6
I saw that they must be clearing out their stock. Maybe someone was found a dusty old palette and was like "What the fuk is this"?
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1991 NX - Stalking Horse - mild bolt-ons
1993 Sentra - my freinds 4 door SE-R VVL USDM Tsuru Sunny Supersaloon conversion in progress
2011 Forester XT - DD
"Everybody's got a plan... and then I punch them in the mouth." Mike Tyson
I would think they haven't had a production run of these in years. Stillen makes all kinds of high dollar body kits they probably concentrate on selling those. I could be wrong though.
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1991 NX - Stalking Horse - mild bolt-ons
1993 Sentra - my freinds 4 door SE-R VVL USDM Tsuru Sunny Supersaloon conversion in progress
2011 Forester XT - DD
"Everybody's got a plan... and then I punch them in the mouth." Mike Tyson