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No lie Kyle, I took them apart and there's only a bulb holder just for the back up lights.
Alright, because I like knowing these things, why is it there? Do they light up on Sentras? Are the lights the same on Sentras? Do Lucino's light up there (if present)?
I backed up into a truck bumper because I was being careless, tired, sick, and when I was leaving my house I dinged a truck bumper (nice diamond steel plate was waiting for me) and cracked the useless light the most and just BARELY cracked the lights that do function (the red, yellow hugging back to side) and I have to pay over 130 bucks for the two parts, I will throw them in myself, but just did not believe is cost that much for those two parts was that high. These were prices from a dealer also. My dad used to work at a Nissan dealership and we got cost on every part for my car since I have owned it. I didn't know if that price was normal for the part, I am assuming it was the correct part via phone. Anyway, I should stop rambling and get to my point minus the question(s) above.
But, if they are not normal, where can I find them cheaper besides here? Any place that I can order from and pay for them to be shipped. I know of eBay, of course.