I thought I had registered her a while ago, maybe not.
My name's Mike, I'm from the Cincinnati area.
But anyway, I have a '97 SE-R with a U12 DET swap, blah blah, nothing out of the ordinary for a "quick" 200. It's ugly as sin and slower than I want.
I just picked up a gutted and stripped b14 shell and am working on a cammed W11 to drop into it.
Anyone's interested, I can keep updates of our rapid build thread.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll just be a lurker but thanks for the welcome guys.
My name's Mike, I'm from the Cincinnati area.
But anyway, I have a '97 SE-R with a U12 DET swap, blah blah, nothing out of the ordinary for a "quick" 200. It's ugly as sin and slower than I want.

I just picked up a gutted and stripped b14 shell and am working on a cammed W11 to drop into it.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll just be a lurker but thanks for the welcome guys.