You'll get used to them. You should try prothanes + s4 cams. I love it though. 
Haha I remember when you sat in my car and you said you would never get prothanes

Originally Posted by Vadim
Welcome to the world of prothanes...
It will get more manageable after they break in, but still everything vibrates. Now from what I've been hearing all we ever need is the front and the rear mounts, side mounts are not as important.
So I'm highly thinking about stock or stock/silicon filled side mounts.

Haha I remember when you sat in my car and you said you would never get prothanes

Welcome to the world of prothanes...
It will get more manageable after they break in, but still everything vibrates. Now from what I've been hearing all we ever need is the front and the rear mounts, side mounts are not as important.
So I'm highly thinking about stock or stock/silicon filled side mounts.