when I had my Classic's, I actually like it that the local Police thought of it as a regular Sentra. I never atracted any attention with the cops in my SE-R's & the only time I got pulled over was in my 2nd SE-R & for not having the most current tag/sticker on my lisence plate...
On my p10t, thats somewhat of a diffret story, with Infiniti G20t badging, no problems with Cops or Ricer-Bois, but when a punk kid decided for me it was time to debadge my p10t into a Nissan Primera, since feb-07 ive been pulled over about 5-6 times & all resulting with no fine$, well one is a Fix-It ticket for my tints
ive had several instances in the last 3 months where Honduh-bois wanna race me, screw those fawken idiots...