ugh ohh....
need some help guys...
so im driving home from work on it a lil in second gear,bout to go on high cams....and POP......i thought the motor popped.but fell in its face like i git a WALL.....
check engine lite comes on instantly....and the car still runs....but is SUUUUPER rich..going past 10:1 idling!!!!!!!! i turned off all settings on my safc2 ... still super rich goin passed 10:1 and even more richer the eugo doesnt register it.and im like getiing high from the fumes with it just TRYING to idle....
*fans come on with the ket in on postion,car off
*sometimes hesitates when ingaging vvl,because its somehow consuming oil? i think..after i change the oil it engagesperfect,no engage,and dis-engaging, like it does sometimes...
i dont get it....was ripping HARD the whole way last beer,damn)
so im driving home from work on it a lil in second gear,bout to go on high cams....and POP......i thought the motor popped.but fell in its face like i git a WALL.....
check engine lite comes on instantly....and the car still runs....but is SUUUUPER rich..going past 10:1 idling!!!!!!!! i turned off all settings on my safc2 ... still super rich goin passed 10:1 and even more richer the eugo doesnt register it.and im like getiing high from the fumes with it just TRYING to idle....
*fans come on with the ket in on postion,car off
*sometimes hesitates when ingaging vvl,because its somehow consuming oil? i think..after i change the oil it engagesperfect,no engage,and dis-engaging, like it does sometimes...
i dont get it....was ripping HARD the whole way last beer,damn)