Originally Posted by
moles Leads and plugs? A dodgy wiring connection in your distributor wiring that works most of the time but starts to break down at higher rpm? There are lots of possibilities.
New plugs, wires dizzy (loaded), battery, B15 alit (used). I don't doubt ignition, it's just my gut is telling me VVL. Even though it seems impossible. What I wouldn't give for a new '99 P11 harness. I'd even go out in my unheated 15 degree garage and change it out. My sanity depends on a smooth running engine. It's not rational but there we are.
I don't doubt that the harness may have some issues. I tested it well enough but as an audio tech I know old copper sucks! Voltages drop and when you are reading between .45 and 5 volts a 2 volt drop is common and has big impact. The boy I bought this G20 from hacked it to hell, the VE came shipped with nothing covered, bare and wired to a pine pallet and it was all supposed to be a project car for my now 16 year old son. I was laid off, my Sentra got totaled and now this became my daily. Total frontline but pretty standard really.
Maybe the key is to start with the surge, noise increase, at 4k. What would cause a noise increase equal to the VVL exhaust?