I have both. A fully bolted DE 10:1 w/S4s & JWT ECU which runs like a raped ape and a fully bolted VE w/N1s and a Calum RT. Both have 8K redlines. Without question the VE runs away from the DE, at least in my opinion after driving both. The major difference to me is when the S4s are picking up some serious steam at 4.5K and the N1s are a smidge behind at the 5K intake 5.3K exhaust crossover. Once the exhaust kicks in fully it's all over, the S4s can't hang after that. No contest. Can't say that my DE would beat a stock VE, I wouldn't expect it to. However if he doesn't know how to drive his stock VE I'll definitely give him a run for his money. The power curves of both fully bolted are different, that I can vouch for. And yeah I'm in agreement with Mr-4Door, a fully bolted 10:1 dialed in DE w/BC3s will make a stock VE earn it's stripes. Here's food for thought.. What if JWT had actually developed a kick a** set of cams with 20V/N1 or better profiles as a drop in? I ponder how much power under the curve a set of those cams may have had with JWT R&D behind it. Oh well, shouldn't open up an old wound cuz it ain't gonna happen....ever.