again, lets look at what this fuji VS asp tells us. a sheeeit load more torque through the mid-range up to 5750 or so, then look what happens after 7000.
as the rpm increases, the gap widens! by 7500 ~7whp. by 7800 we're looking at 10whp! look how the fuji is falling flat. the asp is still going strong at my 7800rpm fuel cut.
you can extrapolate from this chart what the difference may be by 8200. +15hp or more. again, don't start dissing the asp till you have more honest back to back dyno's like what were done in Seattle. just my .02

and on mine, in the best of all scenario's (increasing exhaust size, and full retune), it made no more power up top.
I'd say its more a case of the Fuji's being weak up top then the ASP's being great.