reading this, its pretty unclear to me.. and I feel as though some people who may be extremely knowledgable don't pay attention to detail when they write.. for example, they might call N1 cams/springs SR16 cams/springs... instead of specifying N1 or NON-N1
So here is my question:
On a standard (non-20V) SR20VE motor, do SR16VE N1 cams require stiffer springs/retainers to continue getting power beyond 7000 rpms in every instance, or is it just sometimes??
how far beyond 7000rpm do you plan to go?
Is that only the case with certain cams? Do the N1 cams work just as good with both the "weak" and "strong" springs? While other cams need the strong springs??
I just don't want to do my cam install twice..

No you dont need stiffer springs and titanium retainers to rev past 7k with n1 cams. Again most people at least take their n1's to 8000-8500 without issues. My buddy took his to 9k with no issues, 3 years+ on stock sr20ve standard springs and retainers.
Last edited by vqman
on 2012-10-11
at 06-12-20.