I have a more general question - where do you guys mount your MSD boxes? Right now mine is just sorta hanging out on the passenger side floor by the ECU.. but I want to put it somewhere I can see it/access it better. The problem is, it was wired with very little slack, so there's not many options. This may be a dumb question, but do I need a special gauge of wire to splice into it to mount it somewhere better?
No special AWG of wire would be required. Just match the wire size that is currently being used. You could even go bigger if you want, just try not to go smaller. 18 AWG would more then suffice, you could even do 16 if you wanted. The existing wire is probably (just a guess) 18-22 AWG.
I think some people have had issues with having their MSD box in the engine compartment. Cold and moisture conditions seemed to have affected the stability of the unit in these cases. Others have had no issue with having it in the engine bay area. Personally, I like the idea of having it inside the car somewhere, as it keeps it away from the elements.
Last edited by B15NEOVVL
on 2012-06-23
at 19-16-01.