Welcome I'll be keeping a close eye on you guys I'll be needing a topmount sidewinder manifold for my VE as soon as I get these post swap bugs figured out. I saw the quality work done on sentraman's B13 and I was very impressed.
Originally Posted by Scrildo Welcome I'll be keeping a close eye on you guys I'll be needing a topmount sidewinder manifold for my VE as soon as I get these post swap bugs figured out. I saw the quality work done on sentraman's B13 and I was very impressed.
Thank you very much, we look forward to hearing from you. Sentramans car is a very impressive car and will soon be up and running again.
Originally Posted by qwkse-r Are you guys hmong man....cause that would be awesome
Actually, The Owner And Driver Of The All Motor Civic Is Hmong, I Am Also Hmong. The Shop Owners Are Actually The Asian Guy In The Whut Hat And The Token White Guy Lol.