Originally Posted by
I'm bringing this one back from the dead.
While driving around on the track with my full faced helmet I found the gauges extremely hard to read. I had to actually move my head down to look at the tach, and then move it back up to look at the track. Normally I'll just move my eyes down to glance quickly at the gauges.
This was not something I'd expected. Thinking about it now, moving my seat-back might have helped some but as it stood the chin protection was directly blocking my factory gauges.
I'll be heavily considering an open face helmet for the future.

Originally Posted by
What helmet are you using? Consider the size of the eyeport. Many helmets have notoriously narrower eyeports than others, this will likely solve your problem. I am currently using an Impact Super Sport and have not had that issue, granted it also depends on driving position.
I just am not a fan of open faced helmets at track days. Autocross sure, no problem at most venue's, but track days too much can go wrong to not have that protection.

Originally Posted by
I'll find out what type of helmet I have. I'm pretty sure it's mainly the sitting position though. I'm short/compact and with the seat very close and seat back up quite a bit my chest is still an easy 10" away from the steering wheel however the angle to the dash in pretty extreme.
Back from the grave
again. Wes, and everyone else, I figured out what was wrong with my helmet while getting my motorcycle license. The helmet was fine, the owner is a total idiot. Apparently my natural tendency when putting on my helmet is to put it on leaning VERY far back. It feels okay that way. But if you look at me, clearly you can see my helmet is not on correctly. A buddy mentioned it and now every time I put it on I make a concerted effort to tug the chin WAY down so the damn thing is on my head properly. With the helmet like this, I have no issues seeing low items like gauges without moving my head. Chalk another one up to Fenner stupidity.
As for the type of helmet, it is a G-Force Eliminator.