We can have more then one next year... Id love to put something together. We can meet around dfw, and have a drive out to Cresson and have a track day at MSR... Id saying when its still nice and cool in March or April. The Huston folks and Austin folks, it really doesnt take that much time to get here.
Id like to do something more then just meet (which from what I gather is what the last meet was, just a meet) and do some activities... We can put more stuff in the works. MSR is just the first thing that came to mind. They do offer track days for car clubs but Id have to contact them to see how much and when they do it.
There is also lots of local performance shops with dyno's and we can have a dyno day (or two).
We dont have to limit the meet to just Texans, really anyone in the bordering states are welcome to attend.
Does this catch anyones attention?
Even if we cant do this as a state-wide meet, Im still going to put this into works for the DFW group (however small it may be) and Might even see if any DNE members are still active and want to attend.