I've wanted to overhaul the emoticons for a long time. We have a really good base of emoticons on this forum and stylistically they are very good IMO. However, there are duplicates that no one uses, old ones that are missing, some new ones we could use, and they aren't organized very well.
I've already done most of the organization changes. I plan on keeping the "quick list" of the 15 main emoticons exactly as it has been so there are no changes there which I'm sure most of you are happy about. It doesn't seem broken, so I'm not fixing it.
However, the expanded list will show you that they are now organized in categories. This should help people find what they are looking for faster, especially once I start adding a handful of new ones. Not tons of them, and nothing big or flashy or complicated... Just simple stuff we could use. The idea is to compliment the great set we already had with a few additional options that won't look too out of place. You'll see.
I should be done near the end of the day today. If something is not right when I'm done, or if something is obnoxious, or if you have one or two emoticons you really want to see added please let me know.
I've already done most of the organization changes. I plan on keeping the "quick list" of the 15 main emoticons exactly as it has been so there are no changes there which I'm sure most of you are happy about. It doesn't seem broken, so I'm not fixing it.
However, the expanded list will show you that they are now organized in categories. This should help people find what they are looking for faster, especially once I start adding a handful of new ones. Not tons of them, and nothing big or flashy or complicated... Just simple stuff we could use. The idea is to compliment the great set we already had with a few additional options that won't look too out of place. You'll see.
I should be done near the end of the day today. If something is not right when I'm done, or if something is obnoxious, or if you have one or two emoticons you really want to see added please let me know.

Last edited by BenFenner
on 2014-09-24
at 14-41-25.