20 years from now? $0, at this rate there are going to be none. These days is Extremely hard to find one unmolested and young kids buying them to race them, I don't think they will last another 20 years.

^ what he said. I've seen a few classics sell for 5k bone stock with 80k on them but that is pretty much unheard of. Your normal going rate is 2k for a clean one now. I think they may just fade out unfortunately. The 510 was at collector status at 25yrs old. The b13 is still junk status at 23yrs old. It's pretty sad that it's almost impossible for most people to pay over 3k for an SE-R in any condition modded or stock. I mean, look at the classifieds section. There's one for sale now that's listed for 2750 and no one is biting because it's "too expensive" yet people pay over 3k for a stock civic with a d16 motor just because the civic "has more potential". Pathetic argument since you need to do an engine swap to even get close to SE-R capability. Absolutely blows my mind how cheap our community is and that will be the factor preventing value increase. A car is only worth what people pay for it. Not what KBB says, not what NADA says, not what MSN Auto says.
A major factor hurting value increase is the FWD platform. I know of only a few FWD cars that are valuable. Integra GS-R and Type-R, CRX Si, Shelby GLH. That's about it. Even the first and second generation GTIs aren't valued at much. Just because it's rare doesn't mean it's worth anything. The 510 wasn't that rare when it was made. The SE-R was, but that only hurts it I think.
I don't see an SE-R selling for more than $10,000 ever regardless of condition or modifications. The most valuable SE-R I know of now is probably that one that was found at the dealership and the kid "fixed" it up. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2408736/1992-nissan-sentra/ . Tough to say what it's worth since there is nothing to compare it to really. Maybe we could ask him if he's got any offers on it.
I wonder who played around with the ECU in that Sentra since the cover plates are gone, lots of little bits and pieces are missing. If that is true, it's kinda neat. But surely not original paint anymore!
All the pieces were there. All in either back seat or trunk. I still own the car and have been thinking of selling it. The story behind it is 100% true and have all documents to back it up for when the next person owns the car I can and will pass it all along with the car as history needs to stay with it.
Last edited by SE-Rnismo
on 2014-07-22
at 03-47-00.