NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! In 1991 they didn't come with side skirts! In 1991 we didn't lower cars when we got new rims! **Side note*** Bet you like that TEXAS registration in the window huh?

Uh, if you're doing it like that, in 1991 they didn't come in that color! ...or with that front bumper...or with those headlights and grille...or with color matched side mirrors! IJS

Still looks damn good!

They may have in other COUNTRIES but we don't know do we?? LOL Touche'
I think it was also that Jody was pointing out that grille, fillers, and headlights are from a 1993-1994 Sentra. Not a 1991 model year as they began talking about 1991 parts. But all points are valid since we are all very good at paying attention to detail.