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Thread: Heater Blows cold air through center vents?

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2009-08-18 08:36:42
Heater Blows cold air through center vents?
Hey guys, I've had my B13 for about 6 months now. I understand its august and still fairly warm out, but winter will be here soon enough. My sentra blows cold air out of the center vents with the heater on. The only way I can get the center vents to blow somewhat warm air is by switching the center vents to "closed" as to not let any air through, yet they still leak some warm air into the car. Has anybody dealt with this issue? All the other heater settings work fine its only when I have it switched to vent or vent/feet. Thanks for any help I can get!
2009-08-20 22:49:15
No heater experts in here?!?! wtf
2009-09-06 05:13:57
If you have a 91 - 92 it's supposed to do that. Cold air for your face. Hot air for your feet. I like it! If you have the owners manual read up on it. For 93 and 94 they did away with that feature.
2009-09-07 11:05:10
Yea, that's the way it's supposed to work. Newer cars (and especially US cars) that have no provision for getting fresh air to your face drive me crazy. BTW, my 1993 SE-R still has this feature.
2009-09-07 14:34:32
^^ IIRC, they changed it mid-year of '93
2009-09-09 03:23:02
Bi-Lev FTW! At least that's what it was on the old GM cars.
2009-09-09 03:33:00
Pisses me off to no end that my 94 doesn't have this feature. Nissan must have really been pinching pennies when they ditched it.

2009-09-15 17:19:39
wow, thanks for the great info, I never knew of this feature before, although it does make sense b/c I know that once the car does warm up when traveling longer distances it is a very nice feature. It just sucks when its 15 degrees out and I am only traveling short distances it doesn't give the cabin time to warm up.
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