AD22VF rotors getting scarce? I dunno about that... we just order them via rockauto
Hawk blue HB213 FTW!
This x 1,000,000. We just ran Hawk Blues with AD22VF at Watkins Glen. That track is fastest we've been on, and those pads were awesome. But not only that, we ran Friday test session, 6 hours Saturday, and another 6 on Sunday, we still have half the pad left. We also ran stock Rock Auto rotors, I believe they were $30 each shipped. One recommendation I can make, make sure you have air going to the wheel well and the brakes. On the 200sx with the fog lights removed that creates a good air tunnel, that's part of the reason they last. No air means they overheat and wear out quicker. Oh and, it would also be beneficial if you're able to bed them in properly.