Got drill bits and extractors to remove a broken bolt from my head
Jimmi, AKA Frankensteins Monster

Also OEM is $38 plus shipping on Gspec. Generic was $23 and actually I had to get it from O'reillys because Baxter's didn't carry it. On rockauto I can get a Bosch cap and a Beck/Arnley rotor for $18 shipped. Thinking about doing that next time.
I got the Beck Arnley Cap/Rotor and I haven't noticed any negative differences with the OEM ones. It still runs like shit, though :P But it did that before I put on the new rotor/cap.
Also, $38 for an OEM set, I wouldn't even want to think about getting the OEM ones at a local dealership. If you keep in mind that I had to pay 88 euros (excluding taxes) for a neutral switch, which was only $15 at GSpec.